Electrode 316L 3.2mm 1kg
Weldskill 316l stainless steel electrode for the all positional (except vertical-down) fillet and butt welding of stainless steels.
Weldskill 316l is suitable for a wide range of welding applications including the single and multi-pass welding of matching molybdenum bearing stainless steels, 316 and 316l. Also suitable for the general purpose welding of other “300 series” austenitic stainless steels including 301, 302, 303 and 304/304l, 305, 3cr12 types.
Also suitable for the general welding of 400 series stainless steels including 410 and 430.
• E316L-16 type stainless steel electrode
• Designed for fillet & butt welding in all positions except vertical-down
• Produces low spatter levels as well as smooth running
• For the welding of matching 316 and 316L stainless steel grades